*HTML uses markup tags to describe web pages.
*HTML tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets
*HTML tags normally come in pairs like and
The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags.
It is a scripting language used to enable programmatic access to objects within other applications. It is primarily used in the form of client-side JavaScript for the development of dynamic websites.It is used to keep the browser from executing a script when the page loads, you can put your script into a function. JavaScript was influenced by many languages and was designed to look like Java, but to be easier for non-programmers to work with.
Business conducted between companies and individual consumers, rather than between two companies. It describes activities of businesses serving end consumers with products services.
An example of a B2C transaction would be a person buying a pair of shoes from a retailer. The transactions that led to the shoes being available for purchase, that is the purchase of the leather, laces, rubber, etc. as well as the sale of the shoe from the shoemaker to the retailer would be considered (B2B) transactions. It also describe a company that provides goods or services for consumers.
It means through which consumers interact with other consumers through online auctions and involves all transactions between and among consumers. C2C exchanges can include classified ads, music and file sharing, career and job websites and also personal services such as dating websites. Here consumers can sell goods and services to other consumers. There are millions of sellers with different items to sell and an equally large number of buyers. Finding each other can incur quite a high cost to both buyer and seller, and thus this is why intermediaries like eBay are so important. eBay mediate between consumers who want to buy and sell, and take small cuts of the sellers profit as a fee for bringing their customers to one marketplace. C2C gives many small business owners a way to sell their goods without running a highly profit draining bricks-and-mortar store. The most effective consumer to consumer businesses involve items such as handmade gifts, personal artwork, clothing design, and collectible.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)is the simplest way to exchange files between computers on the Internet. FTP is built on a client-server architecture and utilizes separate control and data connections between the client and server applications.FTP often used as an application component to automatically transfer files for program internal functions and can be used with user-based password authentication or with anonymous user access. FTP is also commonly used to transfer Web page files from their creator to the computer that acts as their server for everyone on the Internet. It's also commonly used to download programs and other files to your computer from other servers.